More Than Launch Green Wheels Insurance

More Than Car Insurance have recently launched their new Green Wheels Insurance policy. It is a new product which allows you to view and monitor reports on your driving style and compare it with other drivers - to see how green your driving really is.

Green Wheels aims to help UK motorists drive their vehicles in an eco friendly manner, thus saving fuel and leaving less carbon footprint.

The technology for this car insurance scheme uses Formula 1 technology in a Green box which simply plugs into the car’s management system and then records all of the driving habit data such as acceleration, breaking and number of short distance car trips. The data gathered is then transmitted to Morethan’s Green Wheels website where existing car insurance customers can access an array of reports on their driving through secure methods.

Bridget McIntyre, CEO at Royal & Sun Alliance commented ”We have created MORE TH>N Green Wheels Insurance to give our customers the opportunity to take responsibility for their carbon ‘tyre-print’. It helps people to understand how their driving style affects the environment by giving them access to information such as their rate of acceleration and braking, the number of short journeys they take and how long they leave their car idling.

This exciting new product is part of our commitment to the Together campaign which believes that, by offering customers positive environmental choices, large companies can make a real difference in the fight against climate change - you can find out more at

Women Car Insurance - 90 Second Guide

Part of our continuing ‘90 Second Guide’ series, we deliver a short but informative piece on getting the best women car insurance deal.

Today their is a number of leading insurers who specialise in providing cover for lady drivers. Backed by big marketing budgets companies such as Diamond, Sheilas Wheels, Cover Girl, Women on Wheels and Lady Insure, to name a few.

Instinctively many women will head straight for one of the above to obtain a new or renewal quote. Whilst there can be no doubt that these niche providers often deliver competitive quotes, it is wise not to forget mainstream insurers such as Direct Line, churchill, Privilege, Tesco and Budget among others.

Regardless of who you turn to to get the best deal, there are a number of factors that can help to put you in the driving seat for lowering your premium.

Statistically the majority of car insurance claims made by women are for relatively minor accidents when compared to their male counterparts. This is due to a number of factors such as women driving shorter distances, lower annual mileage, driving more slowly and a generally more cautious approach to driving. Women claim less on their policies than men, and are responsible for far fewer driving convictions. Hence most insurers will provide discounted rates to women drivers.

Aside from the above it is imperative that all lady motorists SHOP AROUND for the best deal. Certainly give the niche providers such as Diamond and Sheilas Wheels an opportunity to quote but also check out consumer favourites such as Budget and Tesco for (normally) ultra competitive quotes.

Back to…… Budget Basics

Yesterday I stumbled on a product I knew nothing about, let alone knew even existed! Welcome to Budget Basics, part of the privately owned UK BGL Group.

Nearly all readers of the Homeapproved blog will be familiar with Budget Car Insurance. In fact the insurer is featured on our Top 5 Car Insurance Companies, as consistently returning some of the most competitive motor quotes in the UK.

Budget Basic was launched in March 2007. This innovative product is designed to capitalise on changes in the personal insurance market. It is the insurance equivalent of a no-frills airline. Designed specifically for use on price comparison sites, it offers significantly cheaper insurance for key customer segments who are highly price-driven.

That’s about it in a nutshell! You can learn more about this product from the main Budget insurance website.

Norwich Union Scraps ‘Pay As You Drive’ Policies

The Independent today reported that Britain’s biggest insurer Norwich Union has withdrawn one of its flagship car insurance policies less than two years after its launch.

The “Pay As You Drive” scheme used satellite technology and aircraft style black boxes to log details of all journeys, meaning lower bills for those who drive less often or in daylight only. The data was used to offer cheaper motor premiums to drivers who avoided high-risk periods such as rush-hour and late at night. A great concept, however…..

Norwich Union says too few customers had signed up for the policy, blaming a slow take-up rate of the technology among car-makers. A spokesperson for the company said “We are pausing Pay As You Drive and transferring existing policyholders on to more traditional products.” “The indication we had from the motor industry was that they (motor manufacturers) would readily adopt telemics boxes. That would have reduced our costs. But it hasn’t happened.”

It seems the provider also overestimated the response from consumers. In 2006, when it was launched, Norwich Union had hoped that 100,000 boxes would be installed. Today, that number is understood to be about 10,000. Concerns over the tracking capabilities were a sticking point as cars with the system were constantly tracked via satellite. Questions were raised over invasion of privacy and the use of the data generated from monitoring the movements of a registered vehicle.

“The big-brother element of Pay As You Drive, particularly the ability to see how fast someone drives, put a lot of potential policyholders off,” said Peter Gerrard, the head of insurance research at the price comparison site

The policy charged drivers between 5p and £1 per mile depending on when and where they drove, particularly during rush-hour or at night. This made it more popular with younger and occasional drivers.

But the insurer admitted that policyholders may have to pay more for insurance as a result of the move. “The nature of the Pay As You Drive policy means it is not possible to match the premiums policyholders have enjoyed. However, the information we have about usage will us help find the most appropriate alternative policy,” the spokesman said.

Norwich Union’s withdrawal from the pay-as-you-drive insurance market will also have a knock-on effect on Government plans for road-pricing systems, which have unofficially relied on insurance companies to road-test tracking schemes.

Motor Insurance - Driving a Hard Bargain

A familiar old topic of discussion, however one which is sensible to reiterate to our readers.

Lowering your car insurance premium (without reducing the level of cover) should be the goal of every motorist. There are three factors which make a big difference to the price you pay for your motor policy:

  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Your address.

Unfortunately, besides moving house (and postcode area) there is nothing you or anybody else can change about the above. So, what we need to focus on are the factors insurers use when determining your premium - that we can do something about.

1. Shop around! Approximately three quarters of all drivers will renew with their existing insurer. No, no, no! By all means if you are happy with your current insurer - stay with them - but only after considering quotes (with like-for-like cover) from othe providers. It could save you 25% over your current premium!

2. If you haven’t previously considered buying your new policy on the internet, then now is the time to take the plunge. It could mean savings of up to 15%.

3. Choose your new vehicle with care, with one eye on the car insurance group the car will fall into. Each group is assigned a number from 1 to 20, enabling each vehicle model to be accurately banded with cars of similar characteristics. The insurance group number rises according to relevant engine size, and performance of the car. The higher the insurance group the more relatively expensive it is likely to be to insure the vehicle!

4. Where do you leave your vehicle overnight? Garaging your car or parking off-street could cut your premium by up to 10%. Insurers will also take into conisderation if you fit a security device such as a steering lock or immobiliser.

5. If your car is of low value consider taking out third party fire and theft insurance as against fully comprehensive cover.

6. Insurance companies spend millions of pounds every year on expensive television, newspaper and glossy magazine advertising. Be wary of extravagant claims for a lower premium and generally sceptical over specialist insurers, who claim to offer the best deal just because they serve only a particular niche of the market.

7. Consider the savings and cover levels offered by policies such as Norwich Union Simple Cover, or Pay As You Drive car insurance.

8. Young drivers are traditionally hammered when insuring their vehicle. Unfortunately insurers are unlikely to devise a policy which significantly undercuts what is already available. One option if you are in your teens or early twenties could be to piggyback on your parents’ motor insurance.

9. Spreading the cost of your policy using direct debit over 10/12 months can seem like a sensible option. However, most insurance companies will charge you extra for the privilege. Where possible always pay your premium in full.

10. HAGGLE for the best price - If you don’t ask you won’t get!

Car Insurance Aggregators - Food for Thought

First, we ran the news of the latest report on UK motor insurance aggregators, published by Defaqto:

The report has analysed 41 aggregator sites including new entrants into the market and changes that may have occurred to other sites since its first report in October 2007. Defaqto has carried out a detailed analysis of the market and this report includes:

  • A review of the aggregator market and where Defaqto believes it is headed.
  • One page summaries of the key features and benefits of 41 aggregators including ComparetheMarket,, GoCompare,, Moneysupermarket and Tesco Compare.
  • A Defaqto rating of each aggregator website.
  • A review of the resurgence of intermediaries within the aggregator market.

Second, we note with interest that LV= has placed its car insurance product on the website.

The insurer has announced ambitious growth plans for its general insurance business focused on becoming a top five general insurer by 2012 with the web a key channel to achieving this target. LV= believes their five star Defaqto rated car insurance policy will prove to be a popular choice for consumers using are no doubt delighted to be welcoming the valuable LV= brand to their roster of high profile insurers. The company makes a point of promoting its aim to offer the customer the widest possible coverage across the market with well over 60 car insurers onboard.

Mmm….. Food for thought?

Whilst the current vogue for insurance aggregators cannot be doubted, one has to wonder whether:-

1. Are the aggregators building any real value for ‘their brands’. It’s great to have thousands of online consumers coming to your site to buy another firms product! However, what happens to the, MoneySupermarket or of the online world when the fickle consumer discovers another route to the ‘best value deal’? Are these three leading aggregators (amongst others) building any real loyalty for ‘their brand’?

2. Apart from a potential short term gain in revenue and market share for LV=, what are the long term implications of handing over a much loved, cared for and nurtured brand to a ‘price comparison’ custodian such as

We welcome any thoughts and comments from our readers on the subject of the online insurance aggregator!

Student Car Insurance Guide

It’s high time we brought our readers an updated guide to student car insurance. We have scoured the net to bring together all the best resources and latest information on where to find the best value deals.

A great place to start would be the National Union Students (NUS). The Union have long had a partnership with Endsleigh Insurance - the only insurer recommended by NUS. In fact the relationship stretches back for over 40 years, enabling Endsleigh to use their expertise to develop great value motor premiums:

  • BEST price from Endsleighs panel of 40 car insurance schemes
  • FAST claim turnaround
  • 90 day European cover included

Lastly a reminder of the diferent levels of car insurance from which you can choose, why making your No Claims Bonus a priority is a must, and a last but not least reminder of the legal requirement for Road Tax!:

Third Party Only Car Insurance
This is the lowest level of cover available and is therefore often the cheapest. However, it is important to note that it will not provide you with cover for the costs of loss or damage to your car or belongings. By selecting this level of protection you are choosing the minimum level of cover for your vehicle as required by the Road Traffic Act 1988.

Third Party Fire & Theft Car Insurance
Adding fire and theft will provide protection against damage to, or loss of your vehicle due to it being stolen or set on fire.It also possible to include cover for legal fees in case you require a solicitor to represent you.

Comprehensive Car Insurance
If your vehicle is valued at over £5,000 then, by law you must have comprehensive cover, thus the majority of motor policies sold in the UK are of this type. Fully comprehensive motor insurance will cover everything as in a standard Third Party Fire and Theft (TPFT) policy with the addition of Accidental Damage.

No Claims Bonus
No Claims Bonus (NCB) is extremely important for reducing your student car insurance premiums. A NCB of five years or more, for example, can entitle drivers to a reduction of up-to 55-75% over the standard policy premium!

Road Tax
If you use or keep a vehicle on a public road, you must display a valid tax disc on it. As the registered keeper of the vehicle you’re responsible for taxing it or making a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) if it’s to be kept off the road.

Altering Your Car Insurance Policy - Think Twice

Are you planning to alter or change any part of your current car insurance policy? If your answer to this question is yes, you need to read this:-

New research has indicated that drivers are being hit with fees of more than 300 million pounds a year for making changes to their car insurance policies.

The removal of a clause on “excessive charges to retail customers” in the Insurance Code of Business earlier this year has left consumers open to alleged unfair charges.

Almost 60 percent of drivers - 14 million people - need to make amendments to their policies mid-term, and are being stung with fees totalling 333 million pounds. The research comes amid a test case designed to decide whether bank charges are fair.

The average charge for making an amendment to a car insurance policy is just over 22 pounds. The top 10 insurers charge an average of more than 38 pounds for cancelling a policy, almost 17 pounds for making an adjustment, such as a change of address or name, and almost 12 pounds for providing duplicate documents.

Failure to amend policies can result in invalid insurance. Charges vary widely, the data shows. Some insurers do not charge anything for certain policy alternations: Norwich Union, Direct Line, Prudential and Hastings are among those who do not levy fees for duplicate documents, while the latter and Swiftcover charge nothing for change of details.

Others, however, charge unlimited fees. Direct Line, Churchill and Prudential have no set charges for a policy being cancelled, but calculate these fees on customers’ remaining premiums.

High street banks and the consumer watchdog began court proceedings last July to resolve a dispute on the charges applied to unauthorised current account overdrafts, after thousands of customers reclaimed millions of pounds in refunds, but banks continued to impose the charges.

A preliminary hearing at the High Court, which started in January, will decide whether the fees, typically between 24 and 39 pounds for each transaction over and above an authorised overdraft, should be regarded as unfair under consumer contract regulation.

Making a Complaint Against a Car Insurance Company

If you feel aggrieved about the actions of your car insurance company or feel you have good grounds for making a complaint, there is a series of steps you can take to seek re-dress.

First and foremost it is always best to make to make your first port of call the specific car insurance provider, insurer or broker with whom you have a complaint. Try and make every effort to ascertain the name of the appropriate people to speak or write to obtain an answer or solution to your grievance. You should always ask the company about their recommended complaints procedure and follow that.

If you find no joy or resolution through your motor insurer then there are three organisations which you can approach and contacnt for guidance, information and assistance.

The first is the Association of British Insurers (ABI). Although the ABI is not an insurer, does not regulate insurers or mediate in disputes and cannot endorse individual products or services, it is still an excellent source of information and guidance. If an insurance company is a Member of the ABI it will endeavour to follow its code of conduct.

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) is the independent service for settling disputes between businesses providing financial services and their customers. If you don’t know who to complain to at your insurer or you’re unsure about anything, get in touch with the FOS. They will contact the right person for you, telling them that you have a complaint that they need to look into.

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) regulates the insurance industry in the UK. Firms regulated by the FSA must provide a formal and free complaints service. Firms should tell you about this in information they give you about their services. Ask for this information if you don’t get it. The FSA website lays out simple guidelines for progressing your complaint.

Insurance Word of The Week (8)

Our Eighth insurance word of the week is: Authorised Person

A person (usually a firm) that has been approved by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) to carry on one or more FSA regulated activities.

The Financial Services & Markets Act 2000 (FSMA)
FSMA is concerned with the regulation of financial services and markets in the UK . Under Section 19 of FSMA, any person who carries on a regulated activity in the UK must be authorised by the FSA or exempt (an appointed representative or some other exemption). Breach of section 19 may be a criminal offence and punishable on indictment by a maximum term of two years imprisonment and/or a fine.

A copy of FSMA, as well as secondary and related legislation, can be found on the Treasury’s website. Bear in mind that this version of FSMA does not include amendments made to it by subsequent legislation.

Insurance Term of the Week (2)

For our second week, we have chosen - ACCIDENTAL DEATH BENEFIT (ADB).

A supplementary life insurance policy benefit that provides a death benefit in addition to the policy’s basic death benefit if the insured’s death occurs as the result of an accident.

Key Features

  • All benefits are paid in addition to any other policy or family income entitlement.
  • All cash benefits are free from income tax. (Under current legislation).
  • Low monthly premiums.
  • No medical examination.
  • This type of policy is generally available to anybody aged between 18 and 81 who resides permanently in the United Kingdom.

Insurance Word of The Week (1)

Association British Insurers

Every week, starting this week we will be publishing and sharing with our readers a comprehensive, alphabetical run-down on all the different terms used in the wonderful world of insurance and what they mean.

For our first week, we have chosen - ABI.

ABI: Acronym for the Association of British Insurers, a regulatory body for the UK insurance industry. The ABI (Association of British Insurers) represents the collective interests of the UK’s insurance industry.

The Association speaks out on issues of common interest; helps to inform and participate in debates on public policy issues; and also acts as an advocate for high standards of customer service in the insurance industry.

The Association has around 400 companies in membership. Between them, they provide 94% of domestic insurance services sold in the UK. ABI member companies account for almost 20 per cent of investments in the London stock market.

Modified Car Events

Whilst on the subject of UK motor events (Brooklands Mini Day), we can bring you the info. And dates for two upcoming modified car enthusiast events:

International Styling and Tuning Show 2008
LOCATION: Donington Park, Derby
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
DATES: Saturday 05 April 2008 - Sunday 06 April 2008

DETAILS: See the best drifting and time attack action? Take your car on a racing circuit? Visit a huge tuning exhibition with the latest ICE and a giant exhibition of top suppliers? Camp for the weekend and attend an official Cream night? No problem – its all at this years ISTS.

With an attendance of more than 50,000 over the weekend (5,000 of which camp on site) the show is officially the biggest modified car show in the country (and one of the largest in Europe). Who will be Britain`s next top model? Car model that is! Be sure to get your car in tip-top condition for this show, you never know who`s watching.

Performance, Tuning and Modified Show 2008 (incorporating Redline Rumble)
LOCATION: Santapod Raceway, Northants
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
DATES: Saturday 10 May 2008 - Sunday 11 May 2008

DETAILS: HKS Drag Series - PTM Show will see Europe`s quickest tuned cars side by side on the track as they compete across 3 classes in the first round of the 2008 HKS Drag Series for Japanese cars! Plus Run What You Brung and drag car action.

Jet Car - The Fire Force 3 Jet Funny Car will be taking to the strip during the event with amazing 270mph+ speeds from it’s thundering jet engine! Euro Sports Compact - The best tuned European cars will go head to head in the first ever battle to find our continents king.

Brooklands Museum - Mini Day

For all the Mini fans out there (we know there are thousands), a quick pointer in the direction of the upcoming Brooklands Mini Day. More Minis than you’ve ever seen in one place!

The Minis are back at Brooklands for the annual gathering. Test Hill, Trade Village, competitions for Best Original, Best Customised Minis etc. etc:

  • All the variants, all the colours, all the years
  • See them static, see them in action on Test Hill
  • So many Minis, Brooklands have special parking arrangements - follow the signs
  • Gates open at 10 for the MINI EVENT OF THE YEAR

Date: SUNDAY 30TH MARCH, 2008.

Brooklands Museum Trust Ltd
Brooklands Museum
Brooklands Road
KT13 0QN

Motor Sport at Goodwood 2008

Goodwood Festival of Speed
Festival of Speed

The Goodwood Festival of Speed is firmly established as the world’s greatest celebration of motor sport history. Described by the media as ‘the garden party of the Gods’, the Festival of Speed is the essential place to be each summer for a uniquely intoxicating experience, blending speed and drama.

The Festival brings together a rich mixture of motor racing heroes past and present, driving and riding an exceptional selection of cars and motorcyles, hand-picked from every corner of the globe. Dates: 11-13 July 2008.

Goodwood Revival
Goodwood Revival

The glamour and romance of motor racing as it used to be. The Goodwood Revival celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2008, yet remains unique as the world’s most authentic historic motor race meeting.

It is the only meeting of its kind to be staged entirely in the romantic time capsule of the Fifties and Sixties, with the legendary circuit untouched by modernisation, looking almost exactly as it did when it staged Britain’s first post-War motor race sixty years ago in 1948. Dates: 10-21 September 2008.

MPH 2008 Car Show

MPH 2007 London (Earls Court) and Birmingham (NEC) shows attracted 71,000 visitors. Everyone who attended the event enjoyed the incredible Live Motoring Theatre and the Prestige and Performance Motor Show.

The MPH 2008 Show Dates are:

  • London 30th October - 2nd November
  • Birmingham 13th - 16th November

Put these dates in your diary now and remember to book early to ensure you get the best seats! The box office will be open in June 2008.

Detroit Motor Show 2008

It’s the first – and one of the biggest – automotive events of the year and you can find all the latest news from the supershow in Detroit Motor City, right here at the HomeApproved blog!

We’ve got the lowdown on the latest launches and important information on the new models. Highlights include the awesome, diesel Audi R8 V12 TDI, stylish Passat Coupe and stunning ‘baby’ Land Rover LRX concept.

Carmakers stress green at Detroit auto show
US and foreign automakers are pushing environmentally friendly driving to the top of their agendas as they unveil at the world’s biggest motor show a range of green innovations designed woo customers.

“We need to develop alternative sources of propulsion,” said General Motors chief Rick Wagoner during previews of the Detroit Motor Show which opens to the public from January 19 to January 27.

The Big Three US automakers - GM, Ford and Chrysler - touted their commitment to green “concept cars” as US consumers worry about the price of oil.

GM presented the Cadillac Provoq, a battery-powered four-wheel drive and is to launch a test fleet of the 100 Chevrolet Equinox equipped with the battery technology within weeks. It also plans to introduce eight new hybrid models - running on both fuel and electricity - in the United States by the end of the year.

Meanwhile, Ford president Bill Ford announced “a global commitment” to become “leader in sustainability”. Much as European automakers, Ford has introduced a new ecologically-friendly brand called Ecoboost that will be expanded in 2010 even to big pick-up trucks. Ford wants to sell 500,000 vehicles under this label in the next five years.

Chrysler is also a player in this field, presenting prototypes of electric and hybrid vehicles. Asian automakers that control more than 40 percent of the US market, don’t want to be outdone, with Toyota reminding everybody that it had introduced a hybrid model a long time ago.

The ‘green’ fashion has reached even builders of luxury cars, with Ferrari presenting for the first time F430 Spider, a car that works on biofuel. Of course, this is just a prototype.

But “we have the technology and we are ready” if the market situation evolves, said Adam Rowley, vice president of Ferrari North America.

2007 London to Brighton Veteran Car Run

The 2007 London to Brighton Veteran Car Run takes place this Sunday 4th November. The event this year is sponsored by Daily Mail and Tindle Newspapers.

On the first Sunday in each November, around 500 motor cars built before 1905 traditionally re-enact the Emancipation Run of 1896, which in turn celebrated the abolition of the law that required motorists to be preceded by a man on foot carrying a Red Flag.

With the proud owners driving their Veteran Cars on much of the original route from central London to Brighton, the opportunity to view these machines in all their glory is not to be missed. Spectating is completely free of charge at any point on the route.

Saturday 3 November
International Concours, Regent Street, London. From 11am to 3pm, FREE to view. See 100 selected veteran cars from the Sunday Run with drivers and passengers in period costume plus demonstration runs.

Sunday 4 November
111th Anniversary Run. Cars leave Hyde Park at sunrise (7.01am).

Essen World Classic Car Shows

Classic car enthusiasts will be looking forward to the following two events planned for late 2007 and 2008.

First up is the Essen Motor Show. A must for every automobile collector and enthusiast who want to see or buy the jewels of the international classic and vintage car world. With approximately 300 historical exhibits it attracts enthusiasts and buyers. Highly prized Vintage and Classic Cars are sold and good purchases can be made from dealers in spare parts and literature, The ´Concours d´Elégance´ is a well-known annual attraction.

Opening times:
Friday, 30th Novemebr 2007 - Trade visitor and press day
Saturday 1st December - Sunday 9th December, 2007.

Techno Classica, Essen. Press reports from the 2007 show estimated 154,300 enthused automotive fans and automobile collectors from all over the world attended a spectacular event. Last year the “Techno-Classica” again set international standards as a No. 1 in the classic car scene.

Opening times:
Preview: Wednesday, 26 March 2008, 4.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m
Thursday, 27 March 2008, 10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m
Friday, 28 March 2008, 10.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m
Saturday, 29 March 2008, 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m
Sunday, 30 March 2008, 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m

2007 NEC Classic Motor Show

The 2007 NEC Classic Motor Show opens it doors this year on 9th November. Many classic car clubs are set to roll out early and late examples of their marque in response to the show’s ‘Firsts and Lasts’ theme.

Visitors to the show will be able to see an array of exotica, including Ferraris, Bentleys, Maseratis and also an early Morgan Aero three-wheeler model. The Ferrari Owners’ Club is celebrating its 40th anniversary with an F40, with the Maserati display set to feature the 250F.

The show runs from November 9th/10th/11th. Opening times 10am-6pm (9th), 9.30am-5.30pm (10th-11th).

Frankfurt Unveils Mercedes C63 AMG

Performance saloon car enthusiasts will be looking forward to the Frankfurt Motor Show where Mercedes-Benz will unveil the all new AMG C63. In direct competition with the BMW M3 and Audi’s RS4 the C63 AMG could surprise many with bold, agressive styling allied to a razor sharp chassis.

The C63 will feature significant changes to the front axle and steering system, to improve feel and response, and there will be the option of a ‘Performance Package’, which will include a multi-plate limited-slip differential. At an estimated £55-58,000 the C63 AMG will cost slighlty more than its closest rivals when it goes on sale in the UK in early 2008.

Goodwood Revival Festival 2007

For all those fans of a bygone era and ultimate classic cars, the 2007 Goodwood Revival festival is scheduled to take place this week 31st august, 1st and 2nd September, 2007.

The Goodwood Revival is the world’s most popular motor race meeting and the only event of its kind to be staged in the romantic time capsule of the Fifties and Sixties. As well as recreating the golden era of motor sport, the Revival offers exceptional wheel-to-wheel racing around a classic circuit, untouched by the modern world.

This is the only event that places motor racing into a carefully choreographed historical backdrop. The result is a truly unforgettable experience, and an atmosphere unlike any other sporting event. In combination with the highly-acclaimed Festival of Speed, the Revival ensures that Goodwood offers a medley of motor sport delights unrivalled throughout the world.

Student Car Insurance Guide

It’s high time we brought our readers an updated guide to student car insurance. We have scoured the net to bring together all the best resources and latest information on where to find the best value deals.

A great place to start would be the National Union Students (NUS). The Union have long had a partnership with Endsleigh Insurance - the only insurer recommended by NUS. In fact the relationship stretches back for over 40 years, enabling Endsleigh to use their expertise to develop great value motor premiums:

  • BEST price from Endsleighs panel of 40 car insurance schemes
  • FAST claim turnaround
  • 90 day European cover included

Lastly a reminder of the diferent levels of car insurance from which you can choose, why making your No Claims Bonus a priority is a must, and a last but not least reminder of the legal requirement for Road Tax!:

Third Party Only Car Insurance
This is the lowest level of cover available and is therefore often the cheapest. However, it is important to note that it will not provide you with cover for the costs of loss or damage to your car or belongings. By selecting this level of protection you are choosing the minimum level of cover for your vehicle as required by the Road Traffic Act 1988.

Third Party Fire & Theft Car Insurance
Adding fire and theft will provide protection against damage to, or loss of your vehicle due to it being stolen or set on fire.It also possible to include cover for legal fees in case you require a solicitor to represent you.

Comprehensive Car Insurance
If your vehicle is valued at over £5,000 then, by law you must have comprehensive cover, thus the majority of motor policies sold in the UK are of this type. Fully comprehensive motor insurance will cover everything as in a standard Third Party Fire and Theft (TPFT) policy with the addition of Accidental Damage.

No Claims Bonus
No Claims Bonus (NCB) is extremely important for reducing your student car insurance premiums. A NCB of five years or more, for example, can entitle drivers to a reduction of up-to 55-75% over the standard policy premium!

Road Tax
If you use or keep a vehicle on a public road, you must display a valid tax disc on it. As the registered keeper of the vehicle you’re responsible for taxing it or making a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) if it’s to be kept off the road.

Young Driver Education & Training

The Driving Standards Agency (DSA) and the Department for Transport (DfT) recently put out a consultation paper seeking views on wide-ranging changes to driver education and testing.

Safex 2008, the biannual two-day Driver Education World Conference, recently took place in London for 200 delegates from all over the world such as long-term driver education practioners, and researchers, mainly academics. Both groups agree that basic car control can be learned well enough by most people to pass a driving test, but it is their failure to apply what they know that causes 90 percent of accidents thereafter.

Most young male fatalities are traceable to over-confidence, distraction, frustration, poor observation, revenge, competitiveness, showing-off etc, and these are psychological, not technological or physiological issues. These inexperienced drivers lack awareness or responsibility, usually both, and it is this that coaching seeks to address.

The Goals for Driver Education Matrix (GDE-Matrix), which is now being quite widely used, distinguishes four levels of learning: 1. vehicle controls and manoeuvring skills; 2. mastering the variety of traffic situations; 3. current journey-related attitudes and behaviours; 4. engrained lifestyle and risk-seeking attitudes.

Young Driver Training

A quick update and refresher for all the young and newly qualified drivers out there. Whenever I speak to a young driver one of the first things mentioned in the conversation is the high insurance premiums quoted to the under 25’s.

There are obviously some common sense decisions you can make which will lower the price you pay for your new motor policy:

  1. Get a smaller car - the less powerful the engine on your car, the lower your insurance premium will be!
  2. Don’t modify your car – often (but not always) modifications made to cars, such as supercharging the engine, will force your insurance premium up!

etc.., etc..

However, one of the most overlooked decisions you could choose to make, but one which might possibly save your life, is to enrol for further driver training after passing your driving test. We have listed below two of the most popular and comprehensive young driver training programs in the UK today:

Institute of Advanced Motorists - DriveCheck
DriveCheck is a short Driving Assessment aimed at everyone who is interested in safer driving but who doesn’t feel they are (yet) ready to take the IAM Advanced Test. DriveCheck applicants are put in touch with their local IAM Group who will in turn arrange a mutually convenient time for the assessment to take place. The normal cost of DriveCheck will be £35.00, but as an introductory offer, the price is discounted to £25.00. Also check out…

The inaugural edition of Words on Wheels, the e-letter produced specifically for you and the other 7000 IAM members under the age of 30. It will bring you:

  • News of the IAM’s embryo Young Driver Network (YDN)
  • Topical stories of particular relevance to young drivers
  • Hints and tips on a whole range of issues concerning cars and driving

PASS PLUS is a training scheme for new drivers. It’s much more than just a few extra lessons. This specially designed course by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA), with the help of insurers and the driving instruction industry, helps you

  • Gain valuable driving experience safely
  • Build on your existing skills and knowledge
  • Reduce your risk of being in a road crash
  • Save money on car insurance premiums
  • Boost your confidence
  • Give peace of mind to your loved ones

PASS PLUS consists of six practical modules which cover driving in town, in all weathers, on rural roads, at night, on dual carriageways and on motorways. You can take it at any time within the first 12 month of passing your test.

There is no test at the end of it – your driving will be continually assessed and you must successfully complete all the modules in the course to an achieved or exceeded standard:

  • Achieved – successfully reached the standard required for each of the competencies
  • Exceeded – exceeded the required standard for each of the competencies

In exceptional circumstances, if a module can’t be done on the road it will be covered in a theory session. The highest level you can reach is ‘achieved’ as you’ve not been able to demonstrate the relevant practical skills.

Importing a Car into the UK - 90 Second Guide

This week we focus our 90 second guide on the subject of importing a new car into the UK. Bringing a vehicle into the country really took off around 10 years ago when all the rumours about rip-off Britian and unfair pricing began to circulate. By using the power of the internet to locate a suitable vehicle, smart buyers dismissed their local dealership and headed of to the EU to save hundreds if not thousands of pounds.

This quick guide will assist you in understanding the legal requirements of importing a vehicle into the UK. All the relevant information can be found in greater detail on the Directgov website - Importing a Vehicle.

There are procedures you will need to go through and documentation you will need to obtain to register an imported vehicle. If you intend your vehicle to be permanently kept/used in Great Britain (GB) it must be registered and taxed as soon as possible after it arrives in the country.

The vehicle should not be used or kept on public roads until the registration and vehicle tax formalities have been completed.

However, if the vehicle needs to have a single vehicle approval (SVA) or MOT test in order to be registered, the vehicle may be driven to and from the pre-arranged test appointment. Thereafter, the vehicle must be kept off the road until the registration formalities have taken place.

Grey Import
If you have found a car of interest but it has the tag ‘grey import’ this means that the vehicle has never been Type Approved for Europe. Be aware, though, you may have to carry out some small jobs to make the car UK roadworthy.

Registering a previously used vehicle
As part of the registration process, DVLA will need to be sure that an imported used vehicle, that is less than 10 years old meets both European Type Approval standards and UK Construction and Use and Road Vehicle Lighting legislation.

Cars, motorcycles and light goods vehicles first registered in another European member State will need to have a certificate issued by VCA under the Mutual Recognition Scheme. Larger goods vehicles will need full UK Type Approval before they can be registered.

Traffic Lights - Friend or Foe?

Traffic Lights

There was a very interesting BBC Newsnight this week which featured the humble traffic light. The show featured campaigner Martin Cassini who thinks roads would be safer and less congested if they were free of traffic lights.

Cassini contends that a world without traffic lights would mean less congestion and safer roads. He argues that traffic lights make us stop when it is safe to go, cost the UK £20 billion pounds a year through increased road congestion, extend journey times, and maximise emmissions from the stop start driving cycle.

Many people argue that the roads in Britiain are now more dangerous then ever, even with all the latest systems to reduce speed and manage driving habits. Cassini argues that we have a duty to try and test a traffic light free road system.

By turning streets into civilised shared spaces you would have a systen which is designed around human nature not the other way round. A road system currently in place in Norrkoping Sweden has dispensed with road markings, signs and traffic lights, with drivers now part of the urban context.

Pedestrians are allowed to stand in the middle of the road, and cross where they like. With the new system in place there have been the no accidents since the traffic lights were removed in September 2000!

Driving Safely over the Festive Season

The THINK! Christmas Drink Drive campaign was launched on Friday 30 November.

The campaign aims to convince all drivers, with a particular focus on young male drivers aged 17-29 years, that a drink drive conviction has the potential to ruin their life by highlighting a mixture of the legal and personal consequences:

  • being caught & breathalysed by the police;
  • 12 month driving ban;
  • criminal record;
  • hefty fine;
  • lifestyle changes (i.e. potential loss of job, relationships or car).

The key message is ‘That pint could come between you and Christmas‘, which will also be used as a strapline in the advertising materials.

Drinking & Driving
Any person who is driving, attempting to drive, or in charge of a motor vehicle on the road, or in a public place (eg a pub car park or a garage forecourt), may be required by the police to provide a breath test, to ascertain whether they are over the prescribed limit of alcohol - 35 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath (or 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood).

The Police are entitled to randomly stop your car, but they can only insist on a breath test if they have reasonable cause to suspect you have committed a traffic offence, or have consumed alcohol (eg they can smell it on your breath), or they reasonably believe you have been involved in an accident (eg the description of your car matches that given by a witness).

You do not have a right to insist on supplying a sample of blood or urine instead. If you fail to supply a breath specimen at the station you will committed an offence, unless you have a reasonable excuse. Being too drunk or unfit to supply the necessary breath specimen is NOT a reasonable excuse.

A medical condition which prevents you from supplying enough breath for the machine to sample may be a sufficient excuse. If you have such a condition you must advise the police at the time.

Speed Camera Rules Have Changed - Did You Know?

If you are anything like me you will probably be unaware of the recent changes to the rules governing speed cameras….

The rules regarding the positioning and colour of speed cameras changed in April (2007). Speed or “safety” cameras, as the Government calls them, no longer have to be painted yellow, or be visible from 60m (200ft), and no longer have to be sited only where there is a history of road accidents.

The relaxing of the regulations is part of the new autonomy for the local camera partnerships, which have been handed over the responsibility for regulation of cameras. The Department for Transport (DfT) now merely issues guidelines as to how the cameras should be operated.

While the primary objective for camera deployment is to reduce KSI’s (collisions where the person was killed or seriously injured) at known collision locations, cameras can also be beneficial where there is a community concern.

Road safety charities, including Brake, have welcomed the possibility of more covert enforcement. The DfT meanwhile says that if the local partnerships are found to be abusing their autonomy, it will consider bringing back enforced regulation.

Loopholes in Motoring Legislation

Most of us will have heard of or seen on television the top celebrity lawyer Nick Freeman, the solicitor dubbed `Mr Loophole’ for his work defending high-profile people accused of a variety of driving offences.

Over the last few years the media have reported how it is possible to successfully pursue a ’technical defense’ for a drink driving or speeding offence, exposing failings by the police and prosecution.

However, many people in the media are quick to condemn the lawyers who get drivers back behind the wheel, suggesting that this type of work is morally ambivalent. These accusations are strongly refuted by firms specialising in motoring law who argue that this line of attack could be put to any criminal practitioner.

Regardless of your stance on the morality of solicitors pursuing a ‘technical defense’ on behalf of a ‘dangerous driver’, if you found yourself in the situation of possibly losing your licence you would almost always ask yourself the question: ‘How much is my licence worth?’

The current Labour Government is determined to crack down on these loopholes to ensure offenders ‘do not escape justice’. Provisions under the Road Safety Act 2006 have now been introduced to tighten up certain loopholes in legislation.

Tesco Value Car Insurance

With rising motor premiums many insurers are introducing simple or stripped out policies. One such alternative is Tesco value car insurance. Below we have provided all the key facts about this offering:

Designed to keep the cost of your car insurance down Tesco claim their policy is cheaper because there is:

  • No windscreen cover included &
  • No stereo cover included

You can also earn Tesco Clubcard points on your premium. Other benefits include Multi-car discount if someone in your home is already insured with Tesco and Up to 50% discount for named drivers when they take out a policy with of their own with the company. Plus add the following features to your new Value Car Insurance policy:

  • Motor legal protection
  • Protected no claims discount

And no, it dosen’t stop there! You’ll also get:

  • Exclusive discounts with Nationwide Autocentres
  • 15 Point Car Safety Check included
  • 15% off a full car service
  • 10% off on all mechanical repairs

Budget Car Insurance - Giveaway!

Hurry, hurry, hurry -

Every day in July Budget car insurance are giving away a free motor insurance policy!

The insurer are giving away a car insurance policy EVERY DAY throughout July. Entry into the draw is automatic when you take out a car insurance policy with BUDGET, online only. Each prize consists of a refund of your current policy - up to a maximum value of £500.

Entry Requirements and Restrictions
Entry is open to UK residents excluding employees of the BGL Group, third parties involved in this promotion and their families.

Entry to the draw is between 1st July and 31st July 2008 and is automatic when taking out a car insurance policy with BUDGET, online only. Alternatively, for free entry into the draw, send your name and address to Sophie Levings, BUDGET Insurance, Pegasus House, Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate, Peterborough, PE2 6YS. Entries submitted in any other manner will not be accepted and only one entry per person is permitted.

  • Entrants must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Entries from third parties will not be accepted.

Student Car Insurance Guide

It’s high time we brought our readers an updated guide to student car insurance. We have scoured the net to bring together all the best resources and latest information on where to find the best value deals.

A great place to start would be the National Union Students (NUS). The Union have long had a partnership with Endsleigh Insurance - the only insurer recommended by NUS. In fact the relationship stretches back for over 40 years, enabling Endsleigh to use their expertise to develop great value motor premiums:

  • BEST price from Endsleighs panel of 40 car insurance schemes
  • FAST claim turnaround
  • 90 day European cover included

Lastly a reminder of the diferent levels of car insurance from which you can choose, why making your No Claims Bonus a priority is a must, and a last but not least reminder of the legal requirement for Road Tax!:

Third Party Only Car Insurance
This is the lowest level of cover available and is therefore often the cheapest. However, it is important to note that it will not provide you with cover for the costs of loss or damage to your car or belongings. By selecting this level of protection you are choosing the minimum level of cover for your vehicle as required by the Road Traffic Act 1988.

Third Party Fire & Theft Car Insurance
Adding fire and theft will provide protection against damage to, or loss of your vehicle due to it being stolen or set on fire.It also possible to include cover for legal fees in case you require a solicitor to represent you.

Comprehensive Car Insurance
If your vehicle is valued at over £5,000 then, by law you must have comprehensive cover, thus the majority of motor policies sold in the UK are of this type. Fully comprehensive motor insurance will cover everything as in a standard Third Party Fire and Theft (TPFT) policy with the addition of Accidental Damage.

No Claims Bonus
No Claims Bonus (NCB) is extremely important for reducing your student car insurance premiums. A NCB of five years or more, for example, can entitle drivers to a reduction of up-to 55-75% over the standard policy premium!

Road Tax
If you use or keep a vehicle on a public road, you must display a valid tax disc on it. As the registered keeper of the vehicle you’re responsible for taxing it or making a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) if it’s to be kept off the road.

More Than Launch Green Wheels Insurance

More Than Car Insurance have recently launched their new Green Wheels Insurance policy. It is a new product which allows you to view and monitor reports on your driving style and compare it with other drivers - to see how green your driving really is.

Green Wheels aims to help UK motorists drive their vehicles in an eco friendly manner, thus saving fuel and leaving less carbon footprint.

The technology for this car insurance scheme uses Formula 1 technology in a Green box which simply plugs into the car’s management system and then records all of the driving habit data such as acceleration, breaking and number of short distance car trips. The data gathered is then transmitted to Morethan’s Green Wheels website where existing car insurance customers can access an array of reports on their driving through secure methods.

Bridget McIntyre, CEO at Royal & Sun Alliance commented ”We have created MORE TH>N Green Wheels Insurance to give our customers the opportunity to take responsibility for their carbon ‘tyre-print’. It helps people to understand how their driving style affects the environment by giving them access to information such as their rate of acceleration and braking, the number of short journeys they take and how long they leave their car idling.

This exciting new product is part of our commitment to the Together campaign which believes that, by offering customers positive environmental choices, large companies can make a real difference in the fight against climate change - you can find out more at

Women Car Insurance - 90 Second Guide

Part of our continuing ‘90 Second Guide’ series, we deliver a short but informative piece on getting the best women car insurance deal.

Today their is a number of leading insurers who specialise in providing cover for lady drivers. Backed by big marketing budgets companies such as Diamond, Sheilas Wheels, Cover Girl, Women on Wheels and Lady Insure, to name a few.

Instinctively many women will head straight for one of the above to obtain a new or renewal quote. Whilst there can be no doubt that these niche providers often deliver competitive quotes, it is wise not to forget mainstream insurers such as Direct Line, churchill, Privilege, Tesco and Budget among others.

Regardless of who you turn to to get the best deal, there are a number of factors that can help to put you in the driving seat for lowering your premium.

Statistically the majority of car insurance claims made by women are for relatively minor accidents when compared to their male counterparts. This is due to a number of factors such as women driving shorter distances, lower annual mileage, driving more slowly and a generally more cautious approach to driving. Women claim less on their policies than men, and are responsible for far fewer driving convictions. Hence most insurers will provide discounted rates to women drivers.

Aside from the above it is imperative that all lady motorists SHOP AROUND for the best deal. Certainly give the niche providers such as Diamond and Sheilas Wheels an opportunity to quote but also check out consumer favourites such as Budget and Tesco for (normally) ultra competitive quotes.

Back to…… Budget Basics

Yesterday I stumbled on a product I knew nothing about, let alone knew even existed! Welcome to Budget Basics, part of the privately owned UK BGL Group.

Nearly all readers of the Homeapproved blog will be familiar with Budget Car Insurance. In fact the insurer is featured on our Top 5 Car Insurance Companies, as consistently returning some of the most competitive motor quotes in the UK.

Budget Basic was launched in March 2007. This innovative product is designed to capitalise on changes in the personal insurance market. It is the insurance equivalent of a no-frills airline. Designed specifically for use on price comparison sites, it offers significantly cheaper insurance for key customer segments who are highly price-driven.

That’s about it in a nutshell! You can learn more about this product from the main Budget insurance website.

Norwich Union Scraps ‘Pay As You Drive’ Policies

The Independent today reported that Britain’s biggest insurer Norwich Union has withdrawn one of its flagship car insurance policies less than two years after its launch.

The “Pay As You Drive” scheme used satellite technology and aircraft style black boxes to log details of all journeys, meaning lower bills for those who drive less often or in daylight only. The data was used to offer cheaper motor premiums to drivers who avoided high-risk periods such as rush-hour and late at night. A great concept, however…..

Norwich Union says too few customers had signed up for the policy, blaming a slow take-up rate of the technology among car-makers. A spokesperson for the company said “We are pausing Pay As You Drive and transferring existing policyholders on to more traditional products.” “The indication we had from the motor industry was that they (motor manufacturers) would readily adopt telemics boxes. That would have reduced our costs. But it hasn’t happened.”

It seems the provider also overestimated the response from consumers. In 2006, when it was launched, Norwich Union had hoped that 100,000 boxes would be installed. Today, that number is understood to be about 10,000. Concerns over the tracking capabilities were a sticking point as cars with the system were constantly tracked via satellite. Questions were raised over invasion of privacy and the use of the data generated from monitoring the movements of a registered vehicle.

“The big-brother element of Pay As You Drive, particularly the ability to see how fast someone drives, put a lot of potential policyholders off,” said Peter Gerrard, the head of insurance research at the price comparison site

The policy charged drivers between 5p and £1 per mile depending on when and where they drove, particularly during rush-hour or at night. This made it more popular with younger and occasional drivers.

But the insurer admitted that policyholders may have to pay more for insurance as a result of the move. “The nature of the Pay As You Drive policy means it is not possible to match the premiums policyholders have enjoyed. However, the information we have about usage will us help find the most appropriate alternative policy,” the spokesman said.

Norwich Union’s withdrawal from the pay-as-you-drive insurance market will also have a knock-on effect on Government plans for road-pricing systems, which have unofficially relied on insurance companies to road-test tracking schemes.

Motor Insurance - Driving a Hard Bargain

A familiar old topic of discussion, however one which is sensible to reiterate to our readers.

Lowering your car insurance premium (without reducing the level of cover) should be the goal of every motorist. There are three factors which make a big difference to the price you pay for your motor policy:

  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Your address.

Unfortunately, besides moving house (and postcode area) there is nothing you or anybody else can change about the above. So, what we need to focus on are the factors insurers use when determining your premium - that we can do something about.

1. Shop around! Approximately three quarters of all drivers will renew with their existing insurer. No, no, no! By all means if you are happy with your current insurer - stay with them - but only after considering quotes (with like-for-like cover) from othe providers. It could save you 25% over your current premium!

2. If you haven’t previously considered buying your new policy on the internet, then now is the time to take the plunge. It could mean savings of up to 15%.

3. Choose your new vehicle with care, with one eye on the car insurance group the car will fall into. Each group is assigned a number from 1 to 20, enabling each vehicle model to be accurately banded with cars of similar characteristics. The insurance group number rises according to relevant engine size, and performance of the car. The higher the insurance group the more relatively expensive it is likely to be to insure the vehicle!

4. Where do you leave your vehicle overnight? Garaging your car or parking off-street could cut your premium by up to 10%. Insurers will also take into conisderation if you fit a security device such as a steering lock or immobiliser.

5. If your car is of low value consider taking out third party fire and theft insurance as against fully comprehensive cover.

6. Insurance companies spend millions of pounds every year on expensive television, newspaper and glossy magazine advertising. Be wary of extravagant claims for a lower premium and generally sceptical over specialist insurers, who claim to offer the best deal just because they serve only a particular niche of the market.

7. Consider the savings and cover levels offered by policies such as Norwich Union Simple Cover, or Pay As You Drive car insurance.

8. Young drivers are traditionally hammered when insuring their vehicle. Unfortunately insurers are unlikely to devise a policy which significantly undercuts what is already available. One option if you are in your teens or early twenties could be to piggyback on your parents’ motor insurance.

9. Spreading the cost of your policy using direct debit over 10/12 months can seem like a sensible option. However, most insurance companies will charge you extra for the privilege. Where possible always pay your premium in full.

10. HAGGLE for the best price - If you don’t ask you won’t get!

Young Driver Education & Training

The Driving Standards Agency (DSA) and the Department for Transport (DfT) recently put out a consultation paper seeking views on wide-ranging changes to driver education and testing.

Safex 2008, the biannual two-day Driver Education World Conference, recently took place in London for 200 delegates from all over the world such as long-term driver education practioners, and researchers, mainly academics. Both groups agree that basic car control can be learned well enough by most people to pass a driving test, but it is their failure to apply what they know that causes 90 percent of accidents thereafter.

Most young male fatalities are traceable to over-confidence, distraction, frustration, poor observation, revenge, competitiveness, showing-off etc, and these are psychological, not technological or physiological issues. These inexperienced drivers lack awareness or responsibility, usually both, and it is this that coaching seeks to address.

The Goals for Driver Education Matrix (GDE-Matrix), which is now being quite widely used, distinguishes four levels of learning: 1. vehicle controls and manoeuvring skills; 2. mastering the variety of traffic situations; 3. current journey-related attitudes and behaviours; 4. engrained lifestyle and risk-seeking attitudes.

Car Insurance Aggregators - Food for Thought

Pulling together a couple of recent car insurance stories.

First, we ran the news of the latest report on UK motor insurance aggregators, published by Defaqto:

The report has analysed 41 aggregator sites including new entrants into the market and changes that may have occurred to other sites since its first report in October 2007. Defaqto has carried out a detailed analysis of the market and this report includes:

  • A review of the aggregator market and where Defaqto believes it is headed.
  • One page summaries of the key features and benefits of 41 aggregators including ComparetheMarket,, GoCompare,, Moneysupermarket and Tesco Compare.
  • A Defaqto rating of each aggregator website.
  • A review of the resurgence of intermediaries within the aggregator market.

Second, we note with interest that LV= has placed its car insurance product on the website.

The insurer has announced ambitious growth plans for its general insurance business focused on becoming a top five general insurer by 2012 with the web a key channel to achieving this target. LV= believes their five star Defaqto rated car insurance policy will prove to be a popular choice for consumers using are no doubt delighted to be welcoming the valuable LV= brand to their roster of high profile insurers. The company makes a point of promoting its aim to offer the customer the widest possible coverage across the market with well over 60 car insurers onboard.

Mmm….. Food for thought?

Whilst the current vogue for insurance aggregators cannot be doubted, one has to wonder whether:-

1. Are the aggregators building any real value for ‘their brands’. It’s great to have thousands of online consumers coming to your site to buy another firms product! However, what happens to the, MoneySupermarket or of the online world when the fickle consumer discovers another route to the ‘best value deal’? Are these three leading aggregators (amongst others) building any real loyalty for ‘their brand’?

2. Apart from a potential short term gain in revenue and market share for LV=, what are the long term implications of handing over a much loved, cared for and nurtured brand to a ‘price comparison’ custodian such as

We welcome any thoughts and comments from our readers on the subject of the online insurance aggregator!

Swinton Specialist Car Insurance

Swinton car insurance always deliver a competitive quote for motorists across the UK by searching the top UK car insurance companies. They can save you money by offering you up to a massive online 25% discount. However, not alot of people realise that they can also help if you drive a specialist classic, performance, modified or imported vehicle.

The company can help if you have unique requirements. Their specialist team are dedicated to getting a great deal for you. They understand the market and will recommend the policy that best suits you.

In particular if you have a car with modifications. Unlike many insurance companies, they can arrange like for like cover for modifications and it won’t always affect your motor insurance quote. Swinton will consider every vehicle that’s modified and do their level best to deliver a great value quote.

Classic Car Insurance - 90 Second Guide

As part of our continuing 90 second second guide series, we bring the growing number of Homeapproved blog readers the wisdom for choosing the most suitable classic car insurance policy.

The right classic car insurance cover should be tailored specifically for your individual driver and classic vehicle profile. Your classic motor will fall into one of the following four recognised categories used by most of the insurance companies:

  • Veteran Cars: Manufactured before 1903
  • Vintage Cars: Manufactured between 1903 and 1933
  • Classics Cars: Usually at least fifteen years old
  • Cherished Cars: Vehicles aged over 10 years and driven no more than 7,500 miles per annum

Most high quality classic car policies will combine a particular roster of features and benefits, with higher levels of cover than a standard motor policy. Many owners will use their classic or cherished vehicle for track days and other special events, making it imperative that you choose a policy which gives complete peace of mind in the event of the worst happening, and ensuring the high cost of any repair will be fully met. Some of the best policies on the market can include the following features and benefits:

  1. Agreed value (valuations not usually required)
  2. Free Green Card Cover (up to 90 days a year)
  3. Option to retain salvage
  4. Windscreen and Window cover
  5. Full breakdown and recovery service for the UK and Europe

Car Insurance Renewal

If your current motor policy is up for renewal what do you need to do to make sure you get the best deal, either from your current insurer or from a new motor insurance partner? Below we have provided a succinct guide to best practices to ensure you obtain the cover you need at the lowest price.

Car Insurance Renewal
You might be surprised to know that even if you do not make a claim (through your current insurer) on your car insurance policy in the first year, your premium is likely to rise.

The levels of apathy which exist amongst UK personal finance consumers dictates that many motorists are unlikely to switch provider at the end of the first year. The insurers take advantage of this fact and load the premiums during years two and three, clawing back profits surrendered by the initial great deal during your first year.

  1. The first rule is if you have not made a claim in the last year you should expect to pay less for your insurance this year.
  2. Always shop around and search the market online for a competitive premium.
  3. Look for a relevant policy that covers you for the things that matter to you and be sure to compare policies on a like-for-like basis.
  4. Consider the excesses and exclusions carefully.

Altering Your Car Insurance Policy - Think Twice

Are you planning to alter or change any part of your current car insurance policy? If your answer to this question is yes, you need to read this:-

New research has indicated that drivers are being hit with fees of more than 300 million pounds a year for making changes to their car insurance policies.

The removal of a clause on “excessive charges to retail customers” in the Insurance Code of Business earlier this year has left consumers open to alleged unfair charges.

Almost 60 percent of drivers - 14 million people - need to make amendments to their policies mid-term, and are being stung with fees totalling 333 million pounds. The research comes amid a test case designed to decide whether bank charges are fair.

The average charge for making an amendment to a car insurance policy is just over 22 pounds. The top 10 insurers charge an average of more than 38 pounds for cancelling a policy, almost 17 pounds for making an adjustment, such as a change of address or name, and almost 12 pounds for providing duplicate documents.

Failure to amend policies can result in invalid insurance. Charges vary widely, the data shows. Some insurers do not charge anything for certain policy alternations: Norwich Union, Direct Line, Prudential and Hastings are among those who do not levy fees for duplicate documents, while the latter and Swiftcover charge nothing for change of details.

Others, however, charge unlimited fees. Direct Line, Churchill and Prudential have no set charges for a policy being cancelled, but calculate these fees on customers’ remaining premiums.

High street banks and the consumer watchdog began court proceedings last July to resolve a dispute on the charges applied to unauthorised current account overdrafts, after thousands of customers reclaimed millions of pounds in refunds, but banks continued to impose the charges.

A preliminary hearing at the High Court, which started in January, will decide whether the fees, typically between 24 and 39 pounds for each transaction over and above an authorised overdraft, should be regarded as unfair under consumer contract regulation.

Modified Car Events

Whilst on the subject of UK motor events (Brooklands Mini Day), we can bring you the info. And dates for two upcoming modified car enthusiast events:

International Styling and Tuning Show 2008
LOCATION: Donington Park, Derby
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
DATES: Saturday 05 April 2008 - Sunday 06 April 2008

DETAILS: See the best drifting and time attack action? Take your car on a racing circuit? Visit a huge tuning exhibition with the latest ICE and a giant exhibition of top suppliers? Camp for the weekend and attend an official Cream night? No problem – its all at this years ISTS.

With an attendance of more than 50,000 over the weekend (5,000 of which camp on site) the show is officially the biggest modified car show in the country (and one of the largest in Europe). Who will be Britain`s next top model? Car model that is! Be sure to get your car in tip-top condition for this show, you never know who`s watching.

Performance, Tuning and Modified Show 2008 (incorporating Redline Rumble)
LOCATION: Santapod Raceway, Northants
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
DATES: Saturday 10 May 2008 - Sunday 11 May 2008

DETAILS: HKS Drag Series - PTM Show will see Europe`s quickest tuned cars side by side on the track as they compete across 3 classes in the first round of the 2008 HKS Drag Series for Japanese cars! Plus Run What You Brung and drag car action.

Jet Car - The Fire Force 3 Jet Funny Car will be taking to the strip during the event with amazing 270mph+ speeds from it’s thundering jet engine! Euro Sports Compact - The best tuned European cars will go head to head in the first ever battle to find our continents king.

Welcome our 4-Wheeled Eco Warriors

Whilst Toyota could claim to hold the moral high ground on hybrid car technology, other manufacturers like BMW, Ford and Merdcedes-Benz are developing leading edge technologies to work in partnerhsip with the faithful internal combustion engine.

BMW’s Efficient Dynamics approach combines high-precision fuel injection, automatic stop/start (eg at traffic lights), regenerative braking (which feeds kinetic energy back to the battery), power steering that only uses energy when the wheel is being turned, and air-con that disconnects when not in use.

In the BMW 118d, this contributes to an average fuel consumption of 60.1mpg and CO2 emissions of 123g/km.

Ford’s ECOnetic combines low-friction diesel engines, low-drag body kits, tyres with a lower ‘rolling resistance’ and lowered suspension (improving air flow beneath the car) to boost efficiency. The Ford Focus 1.9-litre diesel delivers a claimed 66mpg and CO2 emissions of 115g/km.

The Mercedes F700 concept is an enormous luxury saloon powered by a compact 1.8-litre, four-cyclinder DiesOtto engine. By fusing spark-ignition with the unique compression properties of diesel, and adding a turbocharger, a hybrid-style electric motor and start/stop technology, the next-generation S-Class returns an exceptional 53mpg and pumps out 127g/km of CO2.

Mercedes is also on a mission to persuade Amercians that diesel is not just for truck drivers. ‘Bluetec’ technology eliminates the nitrous oxide emitted by diesel engines by injecting a urea (urine) solution into exhaust gases; the resulting ammonia neutralises the N2O.

Crash Avoidance Car Technology

Listening on the radio this past week I heard an advert from Audi promoting their new A4 model. Specifically the company were focusing on a number of new features which enhanced driver safety:

Audi side assist
This feature uses radar sensors to monitor the car’s blind spot and the traffic situation behind the vehicle. The light in the exterior mirror informs or warns you if side assist considers a detected vehicle to represent a hazard if you were to change lane

Audi lane assist
Audi lane assist warns the driver if the vehicle strays from a marked lane, by way of vibrating the steering wheel

adaptive cruise control
The optional adaptive cruise control automatically regulates the distance from traffic ahead. If a car ahead of you slows down, the system also reduces your speed. If the vehicle in front brakes suddenly, the system first warns the driver acoustically before applying the brakes briefly if necessary

LED daytime running lights
The slimline, xenon plus headlights (optional on S line models) not only look good, they are also technically sophisticated: a strip of 14 LED lights provides the daytime running light function. LED lights consume considerably less energy than normal dipped headlights and have a considerably longer working life.

My next question would be how to filter down these safety technology developments into cheaper car insurance policies? For example would you receive a discount on your renewal if you were driving/insuring a new Audi A4?

With manufacturers like Audi and others competitively introducing cutting-edge safety technology that tries to stay one step ahead of you — and everyone else on the road, the time must be ripe of an innovative insurer to create a strategic partnership with a company such as Audi to offer cheaper policies to Audi drivers!

Motor Sport at Goodwood 2008

Goodwood Festival of Speed
Festival of Speed

The Goodwood Festival of Speed is firmly established as the world’s greatest celebration of motor sport history. Described by the media as ‘the garden party of the Gods’, the Festival of Speed is the essential place to be each summer for a uniquely intoxicating experience, blending speed and drama.

The Festival brings together a rich mixture of motor racing heroes past and present, driving and riding an exceptional selection of cars and motorcyles, hand-picked from every corner of the globe. Dates: 11-13 July 2008.

Goodwood Revival
Goodwood Revival

The glamour and romance of motor racing as it used to be. The Goodwood Revival celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2008, yet remains unique as the world’s most authentic historic motor race meeting.

It is the only meeting of its kind to be staged entirely in the romantic time capsule of the Fifties and Sixties, with the legendary circuit untouched by modernisation, looking almost exactly as it did when it staged Britain’s first post-War motor race sixty years ago in 1948. Dates: 10-21 September 2008.

Audi R8 V12 TDI

Audi R8 V12 TDI

Following on from our post ‘Detroit Motor Show 2008′, and how car makers are showcasing some extraordinary supercars, we can bring you a short but oh-so-sweet review of the Audi RB V12 TDI.

Audi is presenting a revolution in the top class at the Detroit 2008 North American International Auto Show – the first 12-cylinder diesel engine in a high-performance road sports car. The V12 TDI engine. with a displacement of six litres, powers this R8-based concept car. This unit generates a huge 500PS and 1,000 Nm of torque.

Audi has squeezed a 5.9 litre V12 twin turbo engine into the back of an R8, creating the world’s first diesel-powered supercar. I’ts 500bhp sounds impressive, but the real attention-grabber is the 738 lb ft of torque the engine will generate, which is comfortably more than double the output of the current 4.2 litre V8. Still a concept car, it seems certain to be put into production, so expect it in 2010 after the introduction of a 5 litre V10 petrol version.

Adrian Flux Babes!

Flux Babes

One of our favourite insurers Adrian Flux (Specialist Car Insurance provider in the UK offering quotes for all risks including hot hatch, modified, american, kit cars, etc..) recently launched the Flux Babes website.

The ‘Babes’ are the promotional girls for Adrian Flux Insurance Services. However unlike most promotional girls who are hired from model agencies, they all work for the company in various roles, including renewals, customer service, underwriting and marketing.

Click through to the Flux Babes site where you can read all about the various girls, see hundreds of their pictures from various shows and photoshoots, and watch their video.

Student Car Insurance Guide

It’s high time we brought our readers an updated guide to student car insurance. We have scoured the net to bring together all the best resources and latest information on where to find the best value deals.

A great place to start would be the National Union Students (NUS). The Union have long had a partnership with Endsleigh Insurance - the only insurer recommended by NUS. In fact the relationship stretches back for over 40 years, enabling Endsleigh to use their expertise to develop great value motor premiums:

  • BEST price from Endsleighs panel of 40 car insurance schemes
  • FAST claim turnaround
  • 90 day European cover included

Lastly a reminder of the diferent levels of car insurance from which you can choose, why making your No Claims Bonus a priority is a must, and a last but not least reminder of the legal requirement for Road Tax!:

Third Party Only Car Insurance
This is the lowest level of cover available and is therefore often the cheapest. However, it is important to note that it will not provide you with cover for the costs of loss or damage to your car or belongings. By selecting this level of protection you are choosing the minimum level of cover for your vehicle as required by the Road Traffic Act 1988.

Third Party Fire & Theft Car Insurance
Adding fire and theft will provide protection against damage to, or loss of your vehicle due to it being stolen or set on fire.It also possible to include cover for legal fees in case you require a solicitor to represent you.

Comprehensive Car Insurance
If your vehicle is valued at over £5,000 then, by law you must have comprehensive cover, thus the majority of motor policies sold in the UK are of this type. Fully comprehensive motor insurance will cover everything as in a standard Third Party Fire and Theft (TPFT) policy with the addition of Accidental Damage.

No Claims Bonus
No Claims Bonus (NCB) is extremely important for reducing your student car insurance premiums. A NCB of five years or more, for example, can entitle drivers to a reduction of up-to 55-75% over the standard policy premium!

Road Tax
If you use or keep a vehicle on a public road, you must display a valid tax disc on it. As the registered keeper of the vehicle you’re responsible for taxing it or making a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) if it’s to be kept off the road.

Young Driver Education & Training

The Driving Standards Agency (DSA) and the Department for Transport (DfT) recently put out a consultation paper seeking views on wide-ranging changes to driver education and testing.

Safex 2008, the biannual two-day Driver Education World Conference, recently took place in London for 200 delegates from all over the world such as long-term driver education practioners, and researchers, mainly academics. Both groups agree that basic car control can be learned well enough by most people to pass a driving test, but it is their failure to apply what they know that causes 90 percent of accidents thereafter.

Most young male fatalities are traceable to over-confidence, distraction, frustration, poor observation, revenge, competitiveness, showing-off etc, and these are psychological, not technological or physiological issues. These inexperienced drivers lack awareness or responsibility, usually both, and it is this that coaching seeks to address.

The Goals for Driver Education Matrix (GDE-Matrix), which is now being quite widely used, distinguishes four levels of learning: 1. vehicle controls and manoeuvring skills; 2. mastering the variety of traffic situations; 3. current journey-related attitudes and behaviours; 4. engrained lifestyle and risk-seeking attitudes.

Senior Car Insurance Review

With an ageing population in the UK the number of motorists over 60 years of age has increased considerably in the last 10 years. This means that the market for senior car insurance policies is increasingly competitive, with insurers vying for a bigger slice of this lucrative market. Three-quarters of men in their 70s now hold a driving licence, 50 per cent up on 20 years ago. And within another 20 years, 90 per cent of men aged over 70 will still be behind the wheel.

The question is where do you turn to find the best senior motor insurance deal? There are a number of companies who specialise in serving this niche and their are other mainstream insurers who can deliver a competitive senior motor policy, with added features.

The starting point is (as always), make sure you shop around to locate the best deal - not particularly the lowest premium - but the combination of policy cover and price which best meets your driver and vehicle needs.

Simply obtaining a mainstream car insurance policy is probably not going to deliver the most suitable combination of price and protection. Every year you remain accident free, your premiums will decrease, so if you are a careful driver having spent years building your no claims discount, your premium will become even lower when you reach 50.

Industry research reveals that older drivers are inclined to have more mature driving attitudes than young drivers. As far as car insurers are concerned this translates into fewer accidents and most importantly lower insurance claims frequencies.

Senior car insurance is a legal requirement in the UK and it is against the law to drive without the protection of a car insurance policy. You must carry with you at all times, whilst driving, your certificate of insurance as this will provide evidence of your cover should it be required.

Remember Not all car insurance policies are the same!

RoSPA produce a great leaflet entitled ‘Older & Wiser’. The leaflet carries useful information and is a highly recommended read for senior drivers.

Young Driver Training

A quick update and refresher for all the young and newly qualified drivers out there. Whenever I speak to a young driver one of the first things mentioned in the conversation is the high insurance premiums quoted to the under 25’s.

There are obviously some common sense decisions you can make which will lower the price you pay for your new motor policy:

  1. Get a smaller car - the less powerful the engine on your car, the lower your insurance premium will be!
  2. Don’t modify your car – often (but not always) modifications made to cars, such as supercharging the engine, will force your insurance premium up!

etc.., etc..

However, one of the most overlooked decisions you could choose to make, but one which might possibly save your life, is to enrol for further driver training after passing your driving test. We have listed below two of the most popular and comprehensive young driver training programs in the UK today:

Institute of Advanced Motorists - DriveCheck
DriveCheck is a short Driving Assessment aimed at everyone who is interested in safer driving but who doesn’t feel they are (yet) ready to take the IAM Advanced Test. DriveCheck applicants are put in touch with their local IAM Group who will in turn arrange a mutually convenient time for the assessment to take place. The normal cost of DriveCheck will be £35.00, but as an introductory offer, the price is discounted to £25.00. Also check out…

The inaugural edition of Words on Wheels, the e-letter produced specifically for you and the other 7000 IAM members under the age of 30. It will bring you:

  • News of the IAM’s embryo Young Driver Network (YDN)
  • Topical stories of particular relevance to young drivers
  • Hints and tips on a whole range of issues concerning cars and driving

PASS PLUS is a training scheme for new drivers. It’s much more than just a few extra lessons. This specially designed course by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA), with the help of insurers and the driving instruction industry, helps you

  • Gain valuable driving experience safely
  • Build on your existing skills and knowledge
  • Reduce your risk of being in a road crash
  • Save money on car insurance premiums
  • Boost your confidence
  • Give peace of mind to your loved ones

PASS PLUS consists of six practical modules which cover driving in town, in all weathers, on rural roads, at night, on dual carriageways and on motorways. You can take it at any time within the first 12 month of passing your test.

There is no test at the end of it – your driving will be continually assessed and you must successfully complete all the modules in the course to an achieved or exceeded standard:

  • Achieved – successfully reached the standard required for each of the competencies
  • Exceeded – exceeded the required standard for each of the competencies

In exceptional circumstances, if a module can’t be done on the road it will be covered in a theory session. The highest level you can reach is ‘achieved’ as you’ve not been able to demonstrate the relevant practical skills.

Crash Avoidance Car Technology

model. Specifically the company were focusing on a number of new features which enhanced driver safety:

Audi side assist
This feature uses radar sensors to monitor the car’s blind spot and the traffic situation behind the vehicle. The light in the exterior mirror informs or warns you if side assist considers a detected vehicle to represent a hazard if you were to change lane

Audi lane assist
Audi lane assist warns the driver if the vehicle strays from a marked lane, by way of vibrating the steering wheel

adaptive cruise control
The optional adaptive cruise control automatically regulates the distance from traffic ahead. If a car ahead of you slows down, the system also reduces your speed. If the vehicle in front brakes suddenly, the system first warns the driver acoustically before applying the brakes briefly if necessary

LED daytime running lights
The slimline, xenon plus headlights (optional on S line models) not only look good, they are also technically sophisticated: a strip of 14 LED lights provides the daytime running light function. LED lights consume considerably less energy than normal dipped headlights and have a considerably longer working life.

My next question would be how to filter down these safety technology developments into cheaper car insurance policies? For example would you receive a discount on your renewal if you were driving/insuring a new Audi A4?

With manufacturers like Audi and others competitively introducing cutting-edge safety technology that tries to stay one step ahead of you — and everyone else on the road, the time must be ripe of an innovative insurer to create a strategic partnership with a company such as Audi to offer cheaper policies to Audi drivers!

Safer Driving for Young Drivers

We came across the Auto Trader Young Driver website while surfing the web and thought it a sensible move to bring it to your attention.

Think it will never happen to you? Think that your driving is so great that you can overtake on a blind bend? Maybe watching this will make you think again - the guy featured in this film thought he was a good driver, till he lost it on the road and nearly lost his life. Think it will never happen to you? Watch the Film.

The facts surrounding the number of young driver deaths and injuries on roads across the UK and worldwide is staggering:

  • One young driver or passenger is killed or seriously injured on UK roads every hour.
  • Worldwide, someone is killed in a road crash every 30 seconds.
  • Young drivers account for more than 2 in 5 road deaths.
  • 200 hundred young people a week will be killed or seriously injured in a car accident in Great Britain during 2007.
  • Road crashes are the leading cause of death for young people aged between 15 and 24.

Pass Plus
Win a Pass Plus course of lessons and reduce your car insurance!

Learning to drive and gaining your freedom on the road is a skill for life. Developing good driving habits right from the start and building upon those skills with a Pass Plus course is an ideal way to increase your confidence and knowledge to handle situations on the road.

AA driving school and Auto Trader are giving you the chance to Win one of six Pass Plus courses. Pass Plus is made up of a total of six modules which cover urban driving, dual carriageways, motorways and rural roads, plus all-weather and night-time driving.

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