Women Car Insurance - 90 Second Guide

Part of our continuing ‘90 Second Guide’ series, we deliver a short but informative piece on getting the best women car insurance deal.

Today their is a number of leading insurers who specialise in providing cover for lady drivers. Backed by big marketing budgets companies such as Diamond, Sheilas Wheels, Cover Girl, Women on Wheels and Lady Insure, to name a few.

Instinctively many women will head straight for one of the above to obtain a new or renewal quote. Whilst there can be no doubt that these niche providers often deliver competitive quotes, it is wise not to forget mainstream insurers such as Direct Line, churchill, Privilege, Tesco and Budget among others.

Regardless of who you turn to to get the best deal, there are a number of factors that can help to put you in the driving seat for lowering your premium.

Statistically the majority of car insurance claims made by women are for relatively minor accidents when compared to their male counterparts. This is due to a number of factors such as women driving shorter distances, lower annual mileage, driving more slowly and a generally more cautious approach to driving. Women claim less on their policies than men, and are responsible for far fewer driving convictions. Hence most insurers will provide discounted rates to women drivers.

Aside from the above it is imperative that all lady motorists SHOP AROUND for the best deal. Certainly give the niche providers such as Diamond and Sheilas Wheels an opportunity to quote but also check out consumer favourites such as Budget and Tesco for (normally) ultra competitive quotes.

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